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Reading Tips

Five Excuses Not to Buy a New Deck

By November 21, 200911 Comments

I love Tarot decks. The art is beautiful, the imagery is often emotionally evocative. I believe strongly that creating a new tarot deck can at times lead to high levels of meditation and creativity – and other times gives us a fresh perspective.

As a reader, I get asked often: Which deck do you read with? With the hundreds (Thousands?) of decks to pick from, people seem expectant: As someone with experience, they believe I will choose some specialized or highly esoteric deck. But I don’t. I always answer that for readings and study both, above all others, I greatly prefer the classic and oft maligned Rider Waite deck of cards. I like to call it the Rider Waite Smith/RWS, or Waite Smith deck, to honor the artist who made possible this unique, first-of-its-kind deck.

To help me respond to those who really hate the RWS cards (Of whom I’ve met many), I’ve developed a spiel. I understand how much some people dislike the art or simply never got into it when there are so many ‘cooler’ decks out there, so I promise that this is in the positive for my deck of choice rather than a degradation of the many many decks out there – I myself have a modest collection, particularly for study. That said, and to celebrate the deck’s 100th year, I present my own reasons that the Waite-Smith cards are my all time favorite.

1. Illustrated Minor Arcana

I love geometric designs as much as the next tarot lover, but frankly during a reading my clients respond much more emotionally to an easily digested visual scene – Bright colors, human beings, and recognizable, nearly cartoonish objects. The pictures in the RWS are colorful and emotive, and always give a stumped reader food for thought during a difficult reading – Just the facial response a Querent has to some of the striking images are usually clear indicators and helpful clues. Some readers dislike the negativity connected to some of the images, and may even totally disagree with them – but with practice, those differences can turn into a stronger, fuller reading.

A.E. Waite’s cards are the first to my knowledge with fully illustrated minor arcana. Some decks, such as the BotA or Crowley decks, have well articulated and gorgeous major arcana – but to me, they lack illustrated minor cards which would help in rapid and clear divination. For study and meditation, yes – the geometric arrangements make sense. For a tarot reading where I’m looking for response and engagement? Not a chance.

2. Clarity and Strengh of Images

Pamela Colman Smith grew up around the world and alongside the stage, ultimately to become an artist and writer. Her images are informed by her exposure to theatre and showmanship, and so there is a sense of presentation inherent in the design of the cards. Colors are bright, costumes are dramatic, and body language is very clear – just like a stage performance. When I look at these cards, they speak directly to my heart – I can put a story to each card, multiple stories. The colors are primary and bright, and the simplicity lets the underlying messages pop out with ease. I found a pretty neat post about Smith’s artwork which includes some links, check it out here.

Decks which have come since often are beautiful, but lack clarity. Aleister Crowley’s decks is a good example; the paintings are gorgeous, but are often arcane and dark as a result of the more abstract and geometric style of Harris’ painting. For a reading, I will always choose a deck where the visual messages are clear for both myself and my client.

3. No Minor Keywords

Looking through newer decks, I get many inspirations. The Four of Pentacles may be Greed, Power, or Ownership – fascinating differentiation of the concept. Unfortunately, they can pigeonhole the meaning of a card for a querent to the point of no return – No matter how many times I explain to an impovershed client that they aren’t ‘Greedy’ and instead need to focus on rallying and gathering what resources they have, monetary and otherwise for a tough time ahead – they will glance at that keyword and it will negatively impact them. What became a helpful hint for the reader here had turned into a much larger obstacle.

‘Death’ and ‘Judgement’ tend to evoke similar responses, but with such major cards it is worth the time to explain them in some depth – the concepts are useful in general to explain during a reading, since they can tie in so elegantly with the theme of a reading. But keep my minor arcana blessedly blank.

4. Strong Esoteric Foundation

I concede that the last 100 years has offered infinitely differentiated and fascinating takes on occult sciences, probably producing more new work and ideas than all of previous mankind combined. That said, Arthur Waite’s involvement with the Golden Dawn give me a sense of security that the images were carefully chosen to both be evocative and meaningful within a hermetic context. I’ve read that Waite claims the minor cards have no special meaning, but it is clearly false given Crowleys declared use of the Golden Dawn symbolism and the similar meaning and tone throughout the two decks.

Though I don’t believe it is crucial that a deck be connected with the symbolism of any particular secret society or even any religious or occult ideology, the weight of many years of collective intelligence and wisdom have informed the RWS cards. Being able to look deeper, and tell meaningful stories about the origins of the cards, is an indispensable tool within a reading.

5. Familiarity with the Public

So this might not seem fair to all the other decks out there. Clients know the RWS deck, the image of the fool is practically burned into the public’s collective consciousness. While I love the mystery and intrigue involved with tarot reading, I don’t like the general confusion many new clients display if they see a deck of cards they’ve never even heard of. In fact, I find that the more familiar my clients are with tarot, the richer and funner the readings become – And the RWS is the standard. If they know anything about Tarot, I can count on the RWS cards to be memorable.

Even with the growing popularity of other decks, the RWS is the most well known, though in my experience far from the most liked. Maybe it would win a popularity contest solely because few other decks have consistent fan bases. Whatever the reason, this deck is the universal language of Tarot – and when I read, I will speak it.

Join the discussion 11 Comments

  • I have several decks. The RWS is not the one I like best, but is the one I use the most.
    Recently I have given the option to my clients to choose the deck. I put the Sacred Rose, the Gilded, and the RWS decks on the table. I let them look at the pictures and tell me which one they feel more comfortable with. Most of the times the RWS is the one I end up reading with.

    • digiacom says:

      Interesting! I wonder what they would say if you ask them after a reading why they chose the RWS. I would guess familiarity and clarity, but who knows?

      I myself find it ‘iconic’ of Tarot, and I find many people visit a Tarot reader hoping to experience some of the shtick popularly associated with it – dramatic silences, knowing glances and old cards definitely have nothing to do with a good reading, but for some clients I’ve had it makes the difference between plain good advice and having a lot of fun at the same time.

      Thats food for thought, thanks for your comment!

  • Lionel,

    well worded article and I completely agree that the ease of reading with the RWS deck makes it the standby, for me as well. I myself only have the RWS and Crowley (no relation) decks and I may collect more as time goes on but I have never found myself thinking “oh well I know these cards completely now, what else is there?” There is ALWAYS more to be seen and understood even in just the one deck.

    Anna, I love the idea of letting the client make their own connections with the imagery and I too would be curious why they decided to use one deck over another.

    • digiacom says:

      I think ‘the standby’ is exactly the way I feel about my RWS deck – completely reliable and recognizable!

      Thanks for the comment, I love the feedback! I agree completely, I’ve never felt there is ‘nothing left’ in a card to understand or explore. I don’t know that I ever will. 🙂

  • This morning again I gave my client the option to choose the deck for the reading.I had the same 3 decks on the table.She chose the RWS. Remembering your questions, I asked her why she chose it. In her case it wasn’t familiarity. She felt the RWS was more approachable.I asked her if the white eyes of the Sacred Rose deck scared her. She didn’t know what I meant. So when I showed her, she said she hadn’t noticed. Or at least she was not aware of it.
    She said she liked the bright colours of the RWS.Bright but not as bold as those of the other decks.She also found the little white border reassuring.


    • digiacom says:

      Thank you so much Anna, I love hearing about this. Looking through some of my other decks after reading your comment, I did notice the borders can be quite complex, often being gray or very thick. Interesting!

      I wonder which other decks qualify as ‘Approachable’ – I will keep this in mind when looking at decks from now on!

  • Karinjenny says:

    Och – the picture of Pamela Coleman Smith is gone… I miss it on this post!
    I do all my readings with the Waite Smith Deck(yes! I like that name so much better than Rider/Waite!) I don’t give clients a choice, by the way. The deck RS deck has become part of my psyche, familiar and I love it. Of course I use for my own meditations also other decks (first of all the BOTA deck, but also sometimes Crowley and others) Somehow my intuition is trained onto the RS cards in a special way, and through more than 4 decades of readings they feel like familiar yet also mysterious friends. Great input, Anna – very interesting! It corroborates what Lionel wrote about the universal appeal of the Waite/Smith Deck! Lionel- thanks for this most interesting post (well worded indeed, as Morgan observed!Hi Morgan!) and thanks to all the ensuing discussion! Namaste!

    • digiacom says:

      Sorry! The Pamela Colman Smith picture was beautiful, but I felt a little like a wikipedia page with it up. Maybe I’ll add it back into the full article 🙂

      You raise a very important point – since I learned on the RWS my intuition is definitely ‘used’ to it. It’ll do me well to remember not everyone learned on it first, so despite its accessibility it isn’t always the easiest to read for someone who uses the cards.

      Familiar and mysterious indeed ~ Thanks so much you for your thoughtful comments!

  • AJ says:

    I’m one of the people who doesn’t like to use the RWS deck but I do like some of the RWS clones, and I do refer to the traditional RWS meanings.

    Some of the non-traditional decks are nice for the artwork but it’s hard to read sometimes.

    • digiacom says:

      The RWS is certainly my standard for study and teaching in general.

      Many artistic decks ‘focus’ the energy of the cards in a particular direction, and can be useful for deepening understanding in that area; The Goddess deck can elaborate and deepen the feminine principles in the deck, while an artistic deck such as the Deviant Moon may highlight creativity and drama in the cards.

      The more the merrier, but the RWS will always be my ‘core’ deck. The ‘clones’ do a good job for the most part, but often the small differences still bother me and distract from the simplicity of the original.

      Thanks AJ for your comment!